Thursday, 3 May 2007

Pesuvom- Freedom of Speech

This is my very own post-mortem of the Pesuvom episode aired on 2nd May 07.. Im sure the many of u who watched it would each have their own views on the episode.. So do i, and here i am to share it with you.. I have broken it up into various subsections.. The first of which is this and it will focus on the notion of "Freedom Of Speech"..

Now us being angsty lil Youths.. (Ok not so lil, but ya u get the drift..) We tend to have a romanticised image of the phrase "Freedom Of Speech" [which i'll simply into FOS for comfort].. FOS was included in the First Amendment of the constitution of the United States.. But what exactly is FOS?? Now i not so chim to go and search Brittanica Encyclopedia all.. Wikipedia serves just fine for me.. And this is what they say..

Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment. And.. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, provides, in Article 19, that:
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Chim right?? Basically it means that you can pretty much say anything you fancy and get away with it, or does it??

So going strictly by FOS, i could technically insult all the moms' of those nice, loving people at KLKillahs and pretty much get away with it.. I neednt be vulgar, i could just call their mums fat, ugly, 'slutty-looking' and whatever not and get away with it.. Correct??? But i will not.. Why cos my nice, ASIAN, TAMIL or even Keling mom told me never to insult anybody's mom.. And i have been followin that to a certain extent till today.. SO tell me what right does it give to all the authors at KLKillahs to comment nastily on the looks of the Miss V girls.. Why just because they appeared on TV issit.. So now goin by tht logic, i could verbally insult Miss Aarthi aka Kelingkween also, just by the fact that she appeared on TV.. Ok let me not digress from the issue by focusing too much on the Miss V saga.. Honestly i cant be bothered abt them.. But im highly bothered at the convenient skewing of logic..

FOS is a double-edged sword, that even the US is grappling with.. their president is the most powerful man in the political world, but even he gets slinged.. Now the argument for FOS is that it can make a difference to decisions.. Does it?? Just for your info, regardless of public opinion, he vetoed the Iraq war bill, that could have ended the war.. Read it HERE.. My point? FOS is a double-edged sword.. im repeating it, cos im gonna elaborate on tt opinion..

To the people who really matter,( like politicians) FOS cant do no shit.. To them its just like a irritating butterknife that keeps tickling them.. But to the innocent commoner there, trying to achieve fame and publicity, FOS can be the sword that slits their neck, and that too for no real reason.. So why do u peeps misuse it?? and tht too in the name of bloggin.. Now the reason im really peeved is that, aft watching yesterday's episode, many people might have gotten the wrong impression of bloggin.. And thanks to who?? your guess is as good as mine..

ok i guess i have digressed again, gosh i need a secretary, maybe a pretty one like tt revathi girl who appeared on the pro-blog corner yesterday.. Errm maybe i shouldnt have said that, cos my girlfren would be readin this.. But nah im sure she will understand.. FOS ma.. i can say what i feel, without fear of persecution, and i havent caused distress to anyone.. But if i were to say really nasty comments abt ppl like, hmm maybe KelingKween for example and also maybe back up my arguments with facts, i would still be exercising FOS, but at wad cost.. And no i dun have anything bad to say abt KelingKween.. Not yet.. All i'm trying to say is that.. Its very childish to juxtapose the argument for FOS to back up on ur needless, reckless, insensitive comments abt the society.. And if u do so, this KelingKia will be there to expose your idiosyncrasies and the idiocy behind your arguments.. So till my next post which will appear in abt 15-20 mins... i bid my short-lived farewell...

Haiya! Kelingkia!!

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