Thursday, 3 May 2007

Pesuvom- Vulgarities

Now i just proof-read some of my posts.. And trust me, even i find it lengthy.. I sometimes wish, that i could be able to write concisely, yet recreate the sharp wit possessed by other bloggers like Praba or Ah_Neh of the KLKillahs fame.. But that doesnt mean that i dun have issues about Ah_Neh's blogs.. My issues with his writings, will be extensively covered, but not yet.. Till then, i will try to cut short wad im saying ok.. But sumtimes ppl, just sumtimes.. Short may not necessarily be sweet.. *gives a cheeky wink*

Ok another issue that had me flabbergasted yesterday would have to do with the issues with vulgarities, expletives or wadever u might call them.. The host, (i forgot her name la..) asked a very simple question.. Wad will you do if a small kid accesses ur blog and comes face to face with all the vulgarities.. The "control-blog" camp immediately pounced on it and used it to attack their counterparts.. The YPS girl and the 'tall-girl' started saying things like how vulgarities are a bad influence and other such stuff.. i wasnt really paying much attention.. Ok cmon, are u really telling me that u dun speak vulgarities?? Even if u dun, are u telling me that u go to every single expletive-spewing fren of urs and ask them to wash his/her mouth with dettol.. If u are, then my apologies.. But honestly i dun think soo.. So why was it an issue enough to appear in my blog.. Well the response given of course..

First, praba went on to say that it is his online diary and he has the prerogative to write wad he wants.. Aarthi backed him up on tt one.. Hmm fair enough.. No arguments.. Then sum1 else said, that they need to express their true feelings with expletives.. Hmm.. Flimsy argument, but ill accept it.. But the 3rd one had to take the cake la.. and from who else but our dear Ms Controversial.. she said sumthg tht was soo obviously flawed( u see i dun really have to use degrading words like stupid) that i nearly choked on the menthos that i was chewing on.. this is wad transpired..

Host/or sum1 else.. I cant rmbr who la: "so u r ok if a small child reads all tt expletives in ur blogs"
Ms Controversial: "Oh what r u toking.. Nowadays, i walk on the roads and see small kids spewing vulgarities like water.. It is no big deal that im using it, they are exposed to it anyway.."

Now ppl.. Im - - <== this close to spewing out vulgarities of my own in response to her statement.. Has she ever wondered why kids nowadays are using vulgarities at such a young age.. Is it because they were thought and tutored by some angel before they were sent to earth.. No u morons.. Its because elder cousins like U and even PPL LIKE ME, elder siblings like U and even PPL LIKE ME, uncles/aunties like U and even PPL LIKE ME and total strangers who walk beside them like U andPPL LIKE ME are using it with such unrestraint.. We ppl punctuate every sentence of urs with some profanity and thus they are exposed to it.. No doubt they have vulgarities in movies, but it will not mask the fact that U and even PPL LIKE ME are the real reason why kids are spewing four-letter words like nursery rhymes.. They are trained to think that it is mandatory for an adult to speak vulgarity, and in their earnest child-like enthusiasm to grow up, they are NEGATIVELY INFLUENCED by UR/MY/OUR BAD EXAMPLES..

So now, what would my opinion cum solution be.. listen mates, i agree it is ur online diary, but if it is so,, Restrict the access to only ur frens.. Im sure there are functions, (tht i dun know how to use as of yet), to make it a private blog.. That way, u can even create a post filled with all the vulgarity u know in the world.. And no one will say anything.. But if u claim to be a writer of a community blog, a social blog, a blog that u want ppl to read, (and im sure KLKillahs is a community blog.. it was said there somewhere..) u have no right to expose the innocent kids to all ur un-innocent expletives.. (BTW i do practise what i preach.. U wont be able to find a single vulgarity anywhere in my blog.. The closest to that is shit..And its not bcos i dun use them.. i do.. But i made a conscientious effort not to.. Cos i take pride in my posts.. Its as simple as that..

And trust me the argument that u can always close the blog doesnt apply.. If it does, i can always run ard and flash myself in front of all the girls and the guys out there, and simply claim tht "U can always close ur eyes.." Get ma point?? Common logic, does not override social responsibilty.. That's wad the host said too.. And that would be my humble point too.. As a blogger, u have a social responsibility.. Uphold it.. And stop disgracing the name of bloggers.. In case u r wondering, of course im offended.. And that will explain the angsty nature of my blog thus far..

Dun worry ppl, once i'v made all my personal raging thoughts, viewable online, i will come up with stuff relatin to social problems.. And like i said in my first post.. Im dedicated to Alternative Views.. If any of my loyal reader, (if there are any1 of u) feels that im drifiting of the mark, just post a comment and let me know.. i wont be defensive, though i might explain my stand.. And trust me, ur comments will be well appreciated.. Ok ppl, i have been writing non-stop and editing my posts for spelling errors, (yes i do tht.. i have very bad typign skills), for the last 2 hours.. Its time i took a break and did my work.. For those of u wanting to know abt me, and wad i do.. I have this to say.. There is a reason, why im not telling u anything abt myself.. When the time comes, i will reveal everything myself.. Meanwhile, my mysterious nature suits me just fine..

So yet again, i say my goodbye.. And when u hear this phrase, all u "puritan wannabes" should think twice or even thrice before shooting that mouth, or rather fingers of urs..

Haiya! KelingKia!!

Pesuvom- 'Controversial'

Hmm i tuned into the Pesuvom show abt 5 mins late.. So i couldnt catch all their names.. But in the so-called "Control-bloggin" camp, there were that
two Miss V girls, Yuvanes, and Barathi,
A boy named Surainthiran,
and two other girls whose names i couldnt catch.. i will name them
'Yellow-punjabi-suit' (YPS) ; and
'Tall girl' for convenient sake..

Then in the "dont control blog' camp, there were
Praba (a former stamford primary boy, who used to appear in ads for Home United..),
Aarthi (aka KelingKween, a former SMSS cum NYJC student now in NUS),
A girl called Samantha, (who looks so damn familiar but i dun know how),
Another girl called Revathi, (the pretty, but not as pretty as my girlfren one. =p),
And one girl who was slightly plump, but still pretty.. Now if i were to be nasty and exercise FOS, i would have called her FAT and the ONE with the stupid hairbraids.. But im not nasty, and yes i am CIVILISED.. So i shall just call her, Miss Controversy.. Why?? i'll explain..

While watching the show, i realised that everyone said sumthg stupid at some point of time.. Oops, im not supposed to say that.. Hmm Now how can i express myself better?? KLKillahss do take note.. I'll try again.. Every1 during the show said sumthg, "WHICH I COULDNT ACCEPT" because of my own views.. But the one comment that sent me to the roof, seething in disbelief was the one that Miss controversy said.. hmm now wad could she have said.. My memory fails me.. It does.. Honestly.. But this is somehow, how it goes..

Tall Girl: You can blog abt stuf like education,etc..
Ms Controversy: Oh those stuff are boring.. Our readers will only read us if we write controversial stuff..

My god.. Thats the biggest load of bull that i have heard the whole year long.. (And trust me i have heard loads of bull, why even i have spoken bull at times).. But someone should have just gone to Ms C, and tapped her kindly, and then shouted in her ear, "HELLOOOO... Come back to reality!!)

Now ppl, the art of bloggin is to create interest in ur writing.. You Make ppl wanna read.. But that is not the same as writing ONLY Controversial stuff.. You write the stuff, you make ppl read, you make them think.. Not, look for controversy, edit it further to make it even more stupid, ermm sorry ('controversial') and then sit back at ur home smiling to urself reminiscing abt ur supposed bloggin talent?? So ya tht statement irked me, and irked me to the max.. And just fyi, there are people who blog abt the education system, give out motivational quotes in their blogs and talk abt other 'so-called' non-controversial stuff, like even interacting with their parents, albeit with no vulgarities ah.. And no im not thick-skinend enough to be referring abt me.. You will very soon see links to blogs of people whom i think are the shining lighthouses for all bloggers.. Oh by the way, the issue of vulgarities is another story.. But ya, the point to be found in this overflowin maze of words, is that U dun need controversy to entice interest..

Integrity of one's writing should never be undermined or compromised by the need for sensationalism, or in other words, controversy..

I for one, believe that you dun necessarily need to entice people to write.. Like wad Praba said, a blog is supposed to be an online journal right?? A repository of ur thoughts and musings right?? So why do u need to ATTRACT ppl to ur blog.. Unless of course ur intentions of writing one is to seek publicity and not to educate the public.. This issue too will be covered in another post.. But
meanwhile, i would like to say this much.. Its ok to court controversy.. But if u go on air and say that you can only blog abt controversial stuff, or only controversial stuff creates interest, then ma lady im sorry for u.. And ur poor keyboard.. But btw, i haven read ur blog yet.. So Ms controversy, if u do read this post, pls post a comment in my tagboard stating the url to ur blog.. That way i will be able to create an even more informed opininon abt you.. ok peeps,
till we meet again in my next post, here i go saying my goodbye...

Haiya! Kelingkia!!

Pesuvom- Freedom of Speech

This is my very own post-mortem of the Pesuvom episode aired on 2nd May 07.. Im sure the many of u who watched it would each have their own views on the episode.. So do i, and here i am to share it with you.. I have broken it up into various subsections.. The first of which is this and it will focus on the notion of "Freedom Of Speech"..

Now us being angsty lil Youths.. (Ok not so lil, but ya u get the drift..) We tend to have a romanticised image of the phrase "Freedom Of Speech" [which i'll simply into FOS for comfort].. FOS was included in the First Amendment of the constitution of the United States.. But what exactly is FOS?? Now i not so chim to go and search Brittanica Encyclopedia all.. Wikipedia serves just fine for me.. And this is what they say..

Freedom of speech is the concept of the inherent human right to voice one's opinion publicly without fear of censorship or punishment. And.. The United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, provides, in Article 19, that:
Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. Chim right?? Basically it means that you can pretty much say anything you fancy and get away with it, or does it??

So going strictly by FOS, i could technically insult all the moms' of those nice, loving people at KLKillahs and pretty much get away with it.. I neednt be vulgar, i could just call their mums fat, ugly, 'slutty-looking' and whatever not and get away with it.. Correct??? But i will not.. Why cos my nice, ASIAN, TAMIL or even Keling mom told me never to insult anybody's mom.. And i have been followin that to a certain extent till today.. SO tell me what right does it give to all the authors at KLKillahs to comment nastily on the looks of the Miss V girls.. Why just because they appeared on TV issit.. So now goin by tht logic, i could verbally insult Miss Aarthi aka Kelingkween also, just by the fact that she appeared on TV.. Ok let me not digress from the issue by focusing too much on the Miss V saga.. Honestly i cant be bothered abt them.. But im highly bothered at the convenient skewing of logic..

FOS is a double-edged sword, that even the US is grappling with.. their president is the most powerful man in the political world, but even he gets slinged.. Now the argument for FOS is that it can make a difference to decisions.. Does it?? Just for your info, regardless of public opinion, he vetoed the Iraq war bill, that could have ended the war.. Read it HERE.. My point? FOS is a double-edged sword.. im repeating it, cos im gonna elaborate on tt opinion..

To the people who really matter,( like politicians) FOS cant do no shit.. To them its just like a irritating butterknife that keeps tickling them.. But to the innocent commoner there, trying to achieve fame and publicity, FOS can be the sword that slits their neck, and that too for no real reason.. So why do u peeps misuse it?? and tht too in the name of bloggin.. Now the reason im really peeved is that, aft watching yesterday's episode, many people might have gotten the wrong impression of bloggin.. And thanks to who?? your guess is as good as mine..

ok i guess i have digressed again, gosh i need a secretary, maybe a pretty one like tt revathi girl who appeared on the pro-blog corner yesterday.. Errm maybe i shouldnt have said that, cos my girlfren would be readin this.. But nah im sure she will understand.. FOS ma.. i can say what i feel, without fear of persecution, and i havent caused distress to anyone.. But if i were to say really nasty comments abt ppl like, hmm maybe KelingKween for example and also maybe back up my arguments with facts, i would still be exercising FOS, but at wad cost.. And no i dun have anything bad to say abt KelingKween.. Not yet.. All i'm trying to say is that.. Its very childish to juxtapose the argument for FOS to back up on ur needless, reckless, insensitive comments abt the society.. And if u do so, this KelingKia will be there to expose your idiosyncrasies and the idiocy behind your arguments.. So till my next post which will appear in abt 15-20 mins... i bid my short-lived farewell...

Haiya! Kelingkia!!

Here, and Here To Stay.. Do ya Hear me??

Before i go any further.. There are a few things i would like to clarify.. I mentioned in the earlier post, that i was new to this blogosphere.. Let me elaborate on that.. I am not new to blogging.. I do indeed have a blog, and it is hosted through friendster blogs.. What i meant is that im new to this world of blogspot.. Now im sure all most of u will agree with me that the experience of bloggin here is totally different.. The whole emotion of creating a post, getting thousands of people to read it in an instant, havin a overactive tagboard.. All these are things that cant exactly be replicated at friendsterblogs.. That is my personal journal.. A place where my inner musings are brought to light.. This is my social blog, where my thoughts on everything pertaining to the society will be brought to light.. That is the distinct difference.. Now with enough said, let us move to matters of higher importance..

After i created this blog yesterday, i was filled with a sense of insecurity.. A feeling of whether, "Have i done the right thing", "Do i really wanna do this" and all such thoughts.. After much deliberation, i decided to follow my personal philosophy.. If ur heart tells u to do it, chances are u should do it.. It really helped that my girfren agreed with me too.. It helps when ur soulmate thinks the same way that u do.. But thats another story.. Anyways, then, Sun Tzu's quote came to ma mind.. The one on 'The Art Of War'..

"Know thyself, Know thy enemy, and in a thousand battles you will be victorious"

And so with that, i wanted to read more posts from the KLK's blogs.. i had finished the KLKillahs account and i was about to head on to the earlier KelingKillahs acct.. And boy was I in for a rude shock.. The posts were 'oh-so-well-written" good.. They were systematic, well-organised, interesting and amazingly funny.. Even after i had finished reading them, and headed back home i was still thinking on how well-oiled the KLK machinery was.. It almost seemed like this people are paid to do this stuff.. It was definitely the work of a professional, i would say..

I squirmed in my pants.. I knew something was wrong with their blogs, but i couldnt pipoint wad it was.. And even after reading every post i was ever so confused.. I almost, i repeat.. "I almost" found myself agreeing with wad they were saying.. I even contemplated pulling the plug on this blog..... Till i switched on to the episode of Pesuvom..

Now according to the KLKillahs, the debate was veered off-track, highly one-sided and very emotional.. Now the truth could not be far from that, or atleast that's what it looked like.. Now unless, the people at VCentral deserve a grammy for editing of the year, the debate looked very much balanced.. The point brought across was very simple.. Blog.. Blog all u want to.. But blog with some sort of rationality.. I thought the host was very witty and she actually stumped some of the speakers, with her sharp questions.. Surely enough, the nice people at KLK had something dismissive to say abt the episode.. You might wish to read it===> HERE

But i had my own views, and never was i more sure abt something.. This blog is here, and its here to stay.. I will provide my own, BALANCED views.. And you readers can decide whose you feel more comfortable agreeing with.. Dun worry peeps, i wont dismiss you as rural, or a 'frog-in-the-well' if u dun agree with me.. I believe in freedom of opinion... So till we meet again, (which will be very soon)

Haiya! KelingKia!!

Wednesday, 2 May 2007

The Dawn Of A New Era

Hi there to one and all.. Im very new to this blogosphere.. A definite amateur, a likely-to-be-ridiculed greenhorn.. But i can say with much pride, that im a person who has been inspired.. I have been inspired to write; Inspired to blog.. Now im pretty sure, that there are many of u out there, who might find my URL kinda provocative.. Im sure there should be some quarters out there, trying to figure out who i am, and what my motives are.. Fret not.. U need not waste precious ounces of ur highly volatile brain juices, trying to second guess my agenda.. I will list everything out myself.. And in doing so, i shall announce my arrival into the world of blogging: 'The new era of social engineering'

I am one of those self-professed Friendster-surfing junkies, that those good people at KLKillahs regularly parody.. And in one of my very own Friendster-SAFARIing moments i came across Mr Praba's profile.. And subsequently, i viewed his blog, and from there i was redirected to the KLKillahs' blog and oh my, wad a pandora's box i had opened.. I was soo absorbed reading the posts that i just couldnt stop.. The posts were so amazingly funny, interesting and thought-provoking.. But that is where the problem started.. The posts were thought-provoking.. Try as might, i just couldnt accept a number of things that were being said there.. I wanted to go and post a comment, but i have just too many things to say, and it would be inappropriate stealing their 'thunder' at their own blog. So here i am..

I would be a liar, if i said that im not looking for publicity, or that i wouldnt be interested in the attention that comes with maintaining such a blog.. Dun worry peeps im not a hypocrite.. But i have more important motives for starting up with this venture, single-handedly.. Firstly, Regulation.. Im not the grand-nephew of the director the Censorship board or whatever u call such a person.. But i believe that content should be regulated.. Despite the overwhelming calls for freedom of speech, it is just simply unacceptable (to me), that someone or rather (some single-minded group) should possess the power to post whatever thoughts that come to their head, without fear of criticism.. Now im not saying that the creative ones at KLK do not face criticism.. Im sure they do, but they now need to know that the ante has been upped.. They will no longer be allowed to dwell in their comfort zones and blast anyone and everyone they fancy.. Do not get me wrong again.. Im not professing to be the guardian, of all the Indians in our society.. (And seriously, i believe that some of them deserve to get ridiculed).. But what i am here to do, is to provide an alternative view.. After all the benchmark of a developed society, is one that has differing views coexisting without engulfing one another in their virulent flames of vile..

Before i end my very first post, i wish to state a few things.. Sort of parameters.. My english is not very the powderful like those learned ones at KLK.. Haiz, the education system was unable to uplift me i suppose.. So any comment at my atrocious usage of the language will be promptly ignored as SPAM.. (hey pls la ppl, what is a blog without some simplified modifications of our favourite language..) 2ndly, i'm not on a crusade to rail against those daring souls at KLK.. In fact i have respect aplenty for some of their writers, namely Praba and DeviousDiv.. Praba has an inimitable manner of infusing wit, charm and humour to his posts that will easily endear him to his readers.. DeviousDiv would by far be the most objective writer of them all.. She has a very systematic approach to her writing, and can easily be a rolemodel to many bloggers in Singapore.. The passion she has for writing has definitely not escaped my discerning eyes.. LAstly, i would like all my prospective readers to know that this blog is dedicated to Alternative thoughts, and thought processes.. It is to give a voice to the many of u out there, whose meekness can easily be overshadowed by those who think they possess superior linguistic capability.. It is a tribute to show, that no one can claim to be the puritanical judge of society.. Simply becos, no one is puritan enough..

With enough said, i would welcome all comments to improve the layout of my blog.. Im not very well-versed with all this computer stuff.. "Technology has improved very much ya!" Comments on how to improve my writing would be appreciated too.. However, if there is anyone of you out there, who wishes to get into a personal duel, trust me this is not the place.. Simply because, the chances are i know more abt u than u would abt me.. And i have less to hide than you..

Ok.. i would like to end it with a tag of my own..

"Ithu reela, Realanu Makkal Mudivu Seyyattum!!"======> Ithu eppadi??

Haiya! Kelingkia!!